What do Adidas Hat OSFM and OSFW mean respectively?

Is an abbreviation for size: osfm = one size for man, osfw = one size for woman.

Abbreviations for the size of cloaks:

1, clothing, are divided into S ( small, English word small first letter ), M ( medium, English word middle first letter ), L ( large, English word large first letter ), even XS ( smaller than small one size ), XL ( larger than large one size ), and so on.

2, hats, gloves and other goods, businesses are not so thin. For example, for adidas hat, the man will get an osfm ( head circumference about 58cm ) and the woman will get an osfw ( head circumference about 56cm ). CM means cm.

OSFM=one size for man
OSFW=one size for woman
Men’s and women’s styles mean Bai